Our Services

Our Warehouses

Parlogis operates two warehouses; a pharmaceutical and healthcare warehouse located at Krókhálsi 14, Reykjavik, and a consumer products warehouse at Skútuvogur 3, Reykjavik.


Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Producs


Consumer Products

Together We Form the Lifeline of Health

Parlogis and its sister company, Icepharma, both report to Ósar. Together, the organizations work purposefully to service the health sector, increase individuals’ quality of life and contribute to improving the citizens healin and well-being.


Parloais places areat emphasis on sustainability and social responsibilitv. Therefore, we are pleased to publish a joint Sustainability Report that includes the parent company Ósa and the subsidiaries. Icepharma. LYFIS. and Parloais. The report gives a clear view of the operations and the vital role our companies play in society.


Parlogis leggur ríka áherslu á sjálfbærni og samfélagslega ábyrgð. Því gleður það okkur mjög að birta sameiginlega samfélagsskýrslu sem tekur til móðurfélagsins Ósa og dótturfélaganna, Icepharma, LYFIS og Parlogis. Skýrslan gefur góða mynd af starfseminni og því mikilvæga hlutverki sem félögin gegna í samfélagslegu tilliti.

Our Customers